Sunday, 26 November 2017

Nightelf Wearing Banshee robe

Catching up - Older stuff on Deviant Art.

I've been changing a lot of the polygons in the models lately and experimenting with new models. This particular batch are all WoW model's that I've changed to customize them more. the top 4 are based of or Warcraft III versions of Jaina and the Sorceresses. The troll and Orc were a request and the Human was my first attempts at changing the human models to be more unique.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Supply and Demand

Geo the Half-breed had only agreed to meet Yollek because an old friend had asked him. He had no interest in the politics or vendetta of the tauren. But not he had been drug into the thick of it. The human girl had been stripped and tossed in front of him.

"consider this a good faith payment." said Yollek as Geo looked down at her. "You'll collect the rest shortly but not until I get my prize." It was clear to Geo that this sudden act of generosity had nothing to do with their arrangement. It was a show of strength. Yollek expected Geo to participate in the ongoing activities because if he didn't then Geo would be considered the weak half-breed Yollek thought him to be.

If Geo was going to be forced into this than he was going to do it his way...

Sunday, 23 April 2017

The Things I do for You. 1-4

The things I do for you.

After the Alliance tower was seized, the inhabitants were rounded up. They would be used as bargaining tools until Commander Yollek’s mission was successful. 
The first captives were a married couple. They were dragged into the tower where she was forced to entertain the horde. Her husband was forced to watch while she stripped in front of him. A mixture on fear for her husband and butterflies washed over her as she pleasured herself. She couldn’t understand them at all but by their expressions the horde onlookers were enjoying the show. 
He was stunned to see his wife in such an erotic state. If they ever got out of this situation he was definitely going to request a private show.  

Monday, 17 April 2017

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Zelek 4 + Death Commander Yollek

Full image Here

Full image Here

" Do you see them Novice? Your end will be far worse than theirs. If you don't spill your guts I will spill them for you all over the side of the cliff." Whether she talked or not was actually inconsequential. Yollek knew the sentinel commander he was after was in this region. If this novice talked it would only speed things along. The more alliance that went missing, the higher the rank they would send to investigate. If this novice was her apprentice then she would be sent soon.

The horde didn't care about Yollek's motivations for attacking the alliance. They were trivial in the greater scheme of things. That's why he insisted on capturing the alliance and not killing them. If the horde forces were distracted by their toys then the real reasons for being here wouldn't matter to them.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Warchief Yollek + Zelek view 3

Full: Here
Zelek View 3 

Yollek held the poor girl over the edge. "Shadowhunter Zelek saw you learning from her two day's ago. Where's your master novice! WHERE IS THE SENTINEL COMMANDER!

The human farmer had left her home years ago after the environment had become less than welcome. She'd traveled north to the dwarfs homeland where she expanded on her hunting skills. The dwarfs enjoyed her company but never taught her what she really wanted to know, how to tame animals and become a beastmaster. She heard rumor that the night elves were most adept at such teachings so she gathers up enough money for the journey and made her way to the Darkshore. There she was convinced her skills were good enough to take an apprenticeship with the sentinels of Ashenvale. And that's where it all went wrong for her...

Full: Here

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Beware the Shadowhunter Zelek 1 and 2

Well, this is just wrong. Draenei mother and daughter were in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were wrongfully accused of being part of the alliance resistance in Ashenvale and got captured by the Horde. The older Draenei mother was restrained while her daughter clung to her. She was helpless to aid her and could only watch as her daughters innocents were robbed from her.

The shadowhunter Zelek wished to humiliate his alliance prisoners further. He had a secret. Over the years he had taken countless women. Some of them were mates and others were not, but all of them eventually fainted from the inevitable pleasure that would bumbard their system from his massive troll cock. While the daughter was passed out the mother would take her place.

Note: sorry if this is to dark for some of you. I started making one thing and it ended up being this instaed.   :S

Full Images

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Day, Night and Rayla

These were the easiest orders Rayla had ever been given. â€œCapture the Alliance and Brake their will to fight until their leader shows her face,” said Zuuk. The Tauren commander Yollek had given the order but it was Zuuk who came up with the details. To avoid the alliance having strength in numbers most of them were separated from one another. But some were starting to play nice and give into their primal instincts. 
Rayla knew the orders could change at any point so she had to enjoy the moment while she could. What a find, a nightelf female hung like a Kodo. Rayla knew if she could brake the nightelf’s mind then she could use her as a tool to brake others. As she watched the young human take more and more of the night elf’s member she craved it as well. After all what’s the point in having a toy if you don’t get to play with it.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Night and Day

The paladin and huntress were play things of the horde forced to do whatever is demanded of them if they want to stay alive. The more that they were forced to do the easier it was for them to do it. Using the two against eachother was genius on Zuuk's Part. He would let the orc rogue have her fun with them while he broke in the new meat. Full Image

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Warcraft III Sorceress. And Hello!!

Hello All,
However much I wanted to post images over the past 8 months my life would not permit it. Life hit in the best way possible. My girlfriend and I bought a house and have been in a whirlwind of adventures, perchases Renovations and balancing (limiting) both sides of the family’s visiting rights. :)
I had the good fortune of an art show for my main practice of sculpture / mixed media.
Between life and preparing/making new art Manipulations had to take a back seat.
I still got some time to play WoW and have been enjoying Legion thus far.

I’ve been experimenting again with models and thanks to this community I have been given new ways to use the models that I had not thought of. 
I had some time to create and share my version of the WC3 Sorceress. I’ve wanted to try this model out for a while since the armors ingame can’t come close to how she should feel. I’m pleased with how she turned out. I hope you like her. :)
Cheers for now,
I hope I’ll get time to post some more.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Troll and Night Elf Underneith A Tree...

My buddy told me he saw a bumper sticker a girl had the other day that said' "If you're going to rearend me you can at least hold my hair."

I was inspired, bless all you ladies out there.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

A little Slime Goes A Long Way

This small story is based on an actual quest from in game of the same title.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

New Toys

The young Warrior of the Night was so caught up in trying to hide her condition from her fellow sisters that she didn’t see the orc female sneak up behind her. She also didn’t know there were others captured by the Horde. 

Monday, 30 May 2016

Where The Heck Did I Go?

I know it's been a while since I've posted work.

So I was looking for an image I'd lost and while I did, I found every skin and texture MPQ from Vanilla to Cataclysm. I also found Zelim's collection of already altered MPQs. In doing so I'm now able to create and redress new skins on 3D models. Some of the skins were designed solely for NPCs and can't be obtained in game. So I've been having fun making characters that can't actually exist in game and / or using armour sets that I haven't seen in a very long time. I've also been taking old skins and updating them. Some get a complete over-hall and some get things as simple as shadows to make them feel more 3D. There are also some armours that I altered once before that I've now had chance to revisit.

The Night Elf Sentinel Remodel skin (the one in the above image) is one of my favorites. Unfortunately when I found it, it only had the chest and leg graphics so I had to come up with new boots gloves and shoulders for the set.

Warrior of the Night

The young huntress hurried as best she could to release the tension. She knew if she didn’t get rid of her secret soon she would be ridiculed and kicked out of the all female guard known as the Warriors of the Night.  She’d worked so hard to get where she was now. It had almost been ruined do to one particular mission. A mission that had reshaped her body and altered her future forever.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Armour Editing

Been working on modifying armour models I've always hated not having robes that have legs inside and / or not having better, more complex robe models. Trying to make Monara was good practice. I always wanted to see her armour in game too. This was as close as I could get it.

This was attempt 2 for the blood elf too. she was inspired from the Disk case art inside the Burning Crusade box if you bought it.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Gift for Rhaalia

Special Thank you image to Rhaalia for helping me solve a long term problem I've been having.

Also Thanks to for helping me figure out a new program.