Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Tyrande! - New model

In 4.3 there may be a new Tyrande model and/or a YOUNG Tyrande model. there are some part of her new model on this manip. she looks very serious, but that was more me not wanting to dick around with the face to much. I made the eyes bigger, but that was about it. The models skin colour is based on the colours from the new Tyrande Model and have 5 different colours to it.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Alarion and Iresa - Story

Sorry this took me so long to post, but I've gone from 4-5 work days in a week. Anyway Kinda sick of stories for now. Expect more single works. I totally started with real models for the last picture, but had a happy accident in which I got the 2 model viewer models to do what they're doing.