Sunday, 22 December 2013

Tutorial_2 - Basics

This is just a basic tutorial if anyone was interested in trying it out. This one should point them in the right direction (i hope).

Full Version...

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Mangaras - 24

Hope you guys aren't too sick of this story. I have a few pages to go I figure.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Traenei or Droll O_o

All aboard the Traenei wooo-WOOOoo

-_- That was Droll.

Gnome + Blood Elf
  19 (25%)
Draenei + Troll
  22 (29%)
Nightelf + Orc
  12 (16%)
Dwarf + Goblin
  1 (1%)
Worgen + Tauren
  10 (13%)
Human + Undead
  10 (13%)

Votes so far: 74
Poll closed 

Monday, 9 December 2013

Crossbreeding Race

OHHH!! SNAP! The race is on. The Crossbreed race is on!

one day left...

Gnome + Blood Elf
  14 (24%)
Draenei + Troll
  14 (24%)
Nightelf + Orc
  9 (15%)
Dwarf + Goblin
  0 (0%)
Worgen + Tauren
  10 (17%)
Human + Undead
  10 (17%)

Change your vote
Votes so far: 57
Days left to vote: 1 

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Mangara's Page 22, 23

And that's why it took me so long to post >_<
Basically add 2 hours for every model being manipped. 
Finding the right lighting and feeling and look is the hardest part.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Troll #4

The model I'm looking forward to seeing new skins for is the trolls. I feel they are incredibly restricted when you are trying to make then right now and I would love to see more options for them in the future. Personally I only have one face I like out of all of them and there are only 5 skin colours (excluding DKs) to choose from. 

These works were split into 2 due too the unusual circumstance of rain appearing. 

Monday, 25 November 2013

I Like Hugs. :)

That's right I figured I should do an undead guy before the remodeling happens. 

"What just because I'm undead I'm not allowed to give hugs?   :(   I wasn't always undead you know."

On a separate note... Yeah, so I wasn't expecting the results of the pole to end like that.  Iiinntteeerreessttiiinnggg. I don't see the changes for human being that dramatic... I'm mainly looking forward to the new hair styles they come up with. (and / or new takes on old styles I should say)

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Mangaras - page 17,18, 19, 20, 21

Sorry for the Huge Delay. Writing takes me forever. Here's the next bunk from Mangaras.

Monday, 7 October 2013


There's being hung over, then there's BEING HUNG OVER!

Tankard of Terror, They got that part right. :)

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Tatsu's Very Late Birthday Gift

Tatsunoshin's birthday was in August and he is one of the buddies I get to hang out with whenever I'm on WoW. He's been hinting that Pandaren are sexy for a while. So this should be a good surprise for his birthday.   :)

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Now this was a lot of fun. 
Took me forever
but it was worth it.

This is the nightelf of kagomechan23, Saira'linde. 

For full size you can see it on Deviant Art.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Racial Ability: Bouncy :)

Chen and Yalia return to the brewery.  They get some alone time while Lili and others are busy working.

If you don't know what's going on then I recommend you pick up the book Shadows of the Horde.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Getting Jaded in the Forest

Its rude to interrupt a monk while he's meditating. Casta just wanted a bear hug, not necessarily a bare hug. But shes not complaining.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Mangara - 14 15 16

Hey all, Long time no chat. I've come to the conclusion that writing this story a few pages at a time was a bad idea lol. I reread the first pages and now knowing where its headed is kinda funny how I'm going to make it work... We'll see what happens. :) I hope its enjoyable so far.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Mangara's pages 12,13

Sorry for any spelling errors.

Here's pages 12 and 13 of the story. It took me longer then I expected to position everything the way I wanted or get it as close as I could for both these pages. A lot of the angles were extremely difficult to find and I had to completely redo a lot of the models considering that all 3 models in page 13 came from different sources.

Sorry if page 13 is hard to read. The actual image is HUGE.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Serves Her Right

She was like "AWWW! look at the pretty drake." And I said "don't mess with my stuff."


I just didn't tell her why she shouldn't mess with my stuff.


Now she'll probably want to borrow him more often. -_-

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Mangara - 10-11 Que'Tee and Ta

I'm going to try an simplify things a bit. There's a lot of images to get through.

Hmm, if three images in a row in one piece is a triptych. Does that make this a Quaddick?


Monday, 3 June 2013

Mangaras page 09 - redid text

For those just joining. This is page 9 of a story that has split into 2 now kind of the opposite of what's happening with the characters lol.

Never really been good at the whole  putting thoughts into words so sorry if the story is lame, but I'm basically just going with what needs to be explained for some of these images.

I love stories but I have to express them though visuals because it never comes out right when I type it. >_<

Monday, 27 May 2013

The mangaras 007

There was a comment on my blog a while back about doing the story behind Casta the Draenei that's associated to me. I opted for a story involving the Actual Castanova instead. ... Casta's story is to long for me to do in total, but I want to do part of it eventually.

Castanova was made in Burning Crusade as a funny name and has since grown into the user name I use for almost all WoW based art I do.

She/he still exists and is currently chilling with Tatsunoshinn.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

The Mangaras and the Warlock

Another short Story I'm starting. This one will eventually split into two.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Happy Children's Week

Casta the half draenei half human paladin, daughter of Modesty and Rusian is touring the capital cities with her adopted daughter Aliss.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Repakuku, a gift for Neryumo

DAT HOOF!!!  /DROOL mmmmmmm


Having a party for one over here for you Ryumo. Happy Birthday

Monday, 22 April 2013

Harpy, Worgen/Goblin

I finally got a harpy done. I was happy. Then I forgot to post it -_-.

Remember to tip your zeppelin captain. Goblins and gnomes just love to screw thing O_o.
On the flip side, a warning to those trying to retrieve a debt from a human. When over excited they may turn into a big furry beast. 

Monday, 1 April 2013

Jahlee Sketch

The top one is a sketch of Jahlee for Sienna. She is based on a screenshot from Sienna's Blog.

The bottum image is just a quick edit I did to see what my mage would look like with altered robes.

The Perfect Nobelgarden Basket

Happy Noblegarden everyone! :)

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Tits for Tats - page 10 - 13

Finally finished this up for Tatsu'. I may do the original idea of someone getting turned into another race someday but due towhowas in this one I decided to change the ending.

A couple of interesting things to know. The ingame tatsu pvps and actually wears this gear, but is a healer... and he is an engineer too.

I'm going to try to do some quick ones from now on but I am still to busy to really get into this like I once was.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Happy Birthday DrGraevling

Happy Birthday DrGraevling. Sorry I wasn't around to get this to you sooner.
This work was started months ago as an attemp to put Monara's cloths Ingame. I later used my first effort to make this manipulation.

I've wanted to do DrGraevling's Monara as a Manip. for a while and was going to when Darknest hit 300000 pageviews, but I forgot about it until now. I was glad to have another reason to revisit the idea. Even if it did end up being late. :)

Here's to you Dr.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Quick Orc work

This Is just a fast picture to help me get into the swing of things again.

I have to finish off Tats work nextthen I'm onto a NN story I hope.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

"Why is the costume buff lasting so long?"

"Its the 3rd, why are their costume buffs lasting so long?"

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Quick post

There's more to this, but this is the image as plane for those who like it that way...

I'll post this elsewhere when I get a moment tomorrow.