Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Vashj vs Tats

This was by far the hardest Manip I've done yet. The snakes kept getting in the way and the amount of things that went either wrong or got forgotten were way to high. I still forgot some things I'm sure. 

Anyway it was Tats Birthday on the 13th. Happy Birthday buddy! 

Monday, 11 August 2014

This One Time at Tian Monastery

So there I was mindin' my own business when I noticed everyone was passed out but myself and this human girl and one of the Trainees. I don't know if it was the brew or what, but I emerged from my stein and the two of them just started to go at it. So out popped the "Super Snapper FX" and got this beauty.

Then!... I passed out >_<