Friday, 25 December 2015

Update X-mas

Merry Christmas!

once the chaos settles I'll get back to manips. Nothing but family around this week. :)

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

New Milestone Works

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Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Computer Issues

Just a heads up. my computer sounds like its ready to explode so I have to take it apart and clean it then write it off as a lost cause and or upgrade parts.

We'll see.

Monday, 9 November 2015


Inspired by "BLACKED" an inter-racial site. I just took it that one step further is all. >:)

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

400000 - Lady Sinestra

Keeping with the theme of Dragons, I've made this work in honour of 400000 pageviews on This Blog.

There's more to celebrate so do check out the other site in the next few weeks for more Pictures in honor of all you wonderful people who have stuck with me over the past wacky year.

To answer the question no one has. Yes I did do the entire BWD raid just for a Screenshot >_<

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Fun Pick for DesoPL

For those who partake. There are some older scraps posted on Darknest. They are under Year Four now.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Yrel Takes Advantage

In a rare scene I got to glimpse a rare moment where Tats showed some humanity and was the one to be taken advantage of. Of course it was pretty short lived but I never tell that part of the story. Shhh.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Ella, Casta's Niece

The summer madness seems to be finally calming down. Yet life seems to thoroughly getting in the way of me doing Manipulations. I'll try to be more active but a lot of other things are taking priority right now.  God I'm outta practice.

Wrote an outline for Casta's backstory which includes this young Draenei, her niece Ella.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Morning Wand

This is the same Blood elf captured in the "Starting Anew" post.

before whatever bad thing she did happened. :)

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Breaking in a New Wench

When morale was low the orc captain would take the ship to westfall. There was always some unsuspecting human girl able to be captured. The best part was most of the girls had such abysmal lives that taking them and turning them into the crews play thing was a better life. No one missed a few homeless girls anyway.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Trying New Things

Yeah I know the perspective is goofy. The lens used in the original image is the cause of that. I tried to utilize it the best I could, but it got tricky when a background had to be added.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Some tests and/or edits.

The Dawnknight family in Dalaran. Silver Covenant paladin father on the left, his wife and Argent Paladin on the right and their daughter in the middle. She is a warrior who has no allegiance to anyone but family.

Armor manip  test on T17 paladin gear.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Pillagers and Looters.

Long story short. This gnome and I got captured by these pirate. One of the female members of the crew insisted on a "little" help with something and my gnome companion was more than willing. He turned out to be more "handy" than she expected.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Current problem

The current problem I'm having is that in 6.1 they did a face tweak to humans draeneis and others but the modelviewer didn't get the changes. It's frustrating me.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Starting Anew

That was a way longer bit than I had intended on taking, but things are slowly getting underway for me to get back to work. I've been testing and sketching in the mean time to see the changes and how they both help and hinder my process. I still have a lot to test, but I'll try to post some images as I rediscover working with my images.