Monday, 27 April 2015

Some tests and/or edits.

The Dawnknight family in Dalaran. Silver Covenant paladin father on the left, his wife and Argent Paladin on the right and their daughter in the middle. She is a warrior who has no allegiance to anyone but family.

Armor manip  test on T17 paladin gear.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Pillagers and Looters.

Long story short. This gnome and I got captured by these pirate. One of the female members of the crew insisted on a "little" help with something and my gnome companion was more than willing. He turned out to be more "handy" than she expected.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Current problem

The current problem I'm having is that in 6.1 they did a face tweak to humans draeneis and others but the modelviewer didn't get the changes. It's frustrating me.