Wednesday 22 March 2017

Day, Night and Rayla

These were the easiest orders Rayla had ever been given. “Capture the Alliance and Brake their will to fight until their leader shows her face,” said Zuuk. The Tauren commander Yollek had given the order but it was Zuuk who came up with the details. To avoid the alliance having strength in numbers most of them were separated from one another. But some were starting to play nice and give into their primal instincts. 
Rayla knew the orders could change at any point so she had to enjoy the moment while she could. What a find, a nightelf female hung like a Kodo. Rayla knew if she could brake the nightelf’s mind then she could use her as a tool to brake others. As she watched the young human take more and more of the night elf’s member she craved it as well. After all what’s the point in having a toy if you don’t get to play with it.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Night and Day

The paladin and huntress were play things of the horde forced to do whatever is demanded of them if they want to stay alive. The more that they were forced to do the easier it was for them to do it. Using the two against eachother was genius on Zuuk's Part. He would let the orc rogue have her fun with them while he broke in the new meat. Full Image